Gay and romantic engagement proposal

Demande Mariage Gay

Gay and romantic engagement proposal

Gay engagement proposal :

Discover how we organized a gay and romantic engagement proposal on the heights of the castle hill of Nice. Cairn Expe offers unique and original scenarios for your proposal. A custom made engagement proposal, with different themes, in idyllic place. So that this moment most ideally matches your couple.


Specialist in the organization of unusual wedding proposal, we organized a special scenario for homosexual marriage proposal on the french riviera. After having created a personalized scenario, we arranged to meet the couple, on the Colline du Château in Nice. This park offers an exceptional view of the Baie des Anges and the old town of Nice on one side and the port of Nice and the hills of Mont-Boron on the other side.

Demande mariage Gay Nice
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To enjoy this moment of intense happiness, the young couple will find on the belvedere located at the top of the cascade, a pretty decoration and Champagne, to celebrate this moment of joy and love.

Demande mariage romantique Nice


We are pleased to have been able to accompany a young couple once again during a romantic proposal. Once again, we set up a romantic scenario for an unusual wedding proposal. We have organized every step of this request for gay wedding as well as the stay in Nice of this young couple.

As always, our photographer was there to immortalize this moment of joy and happiness. To share and savor again and again such a sweet romantic moment of happiness. After the emotional morning, the two young men go down the hill of the castle to lunch in a nice restaurant facing the sea, reserved for the occasion.

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