Survival training in Nice / French Riviera

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Survival training in Nice / French Riviera

Survival training in Nice & the French Riviera

Join a survival training in Nice & the French Riviera to learn to learn all the techniques of survival in the nature. Let’s go in an expedition to learn how to survive in the nature and to exceed your limits and your fears.

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Why we propose survival training in the French Souh Alps and in Nice ?

Nice is a big city, but it is an ideal starting point for survival training of survival at sea and in mountain. Indeed, you will find unless one hour of road, mountains and a very wild environment. The closeness of the sea also allows us to propose you a module of survival training in maritime environment. The Alpes-Maritimes allow to combine maritime survival training in environment and survival traning in mountain and high mountain environment. The most sportmen can even make on foot the connection between the sea and the mountains. It will be the opportunity to develop your orientation sense and your endurance.

Survival training for all levels

Our survival training are adapted at every level. That you wish to make a extreme survival training to be prepared for an expedition in a hostile environment, a journey in autonomy or still be prepared for a participation for a “Koh-Lanta” adventure. We will adapt the program and the difficulties. You can also organize an survival event in family, to have an unusual time. We will choose the activities adapted to your needs and your desires. We also propose survival training for children. These child survival training can take place on one or several days and the activities are adapted to their young age. We also organize survival training for schools and summer camps.

Activities during our survival training

During our survival training, you will be able to learn all the survival techniques. We shall teach you:

  • To choose your equipment for a survival training
  • Turn in the forest
  • To choose your bivouac place for night in survival mode
  • To camp and make a survival shelter
  • Make a fire with 4 methods
  • Find the food and some water
  • Make a trap
  • Prepare the game
  • Make tools and use them
  • Use plants and natural elements

Your instructors for the survival training

During this training, you will not be alone. You will be accompanied by an instructor who is a real nature lover. Practising numerous extreme sports, he found himself on numerous occasions only in the front of the nature and cut himself of the world. Flight bivouac in paragliding, Ultra Trail, Ski touring and mountain climbings, hunting-money navy, caving, canyoning, etc. So many activities which confront you with the elements of the nature and urge you to push one’s limits. This child of mountains raised himself in the nature and learn to manage alone since his youngest age. Stemming from mountain dwellers’ family he was introduced to the life in kind very young. After a Master II in sport sciences with speciality: mountain and escalation, he specialized in public supervision in natural environment and in mountain.

Strong of his experience and his practical sense, he will share with you his good mood, his joy of life and his knowledge, to evolve with you in an environment that the man has less and less the habit to frequent: the nature.

Working in association with the old member serviceman of the commando squads of the French army, he will also know how to organize for you a commando squad training. Instructors will integrate into the program the techniques of survival in equatorial forest, a training in the fight in mountain, the learning of the first aids, a physical, mental and good preparation for other surprises…

Survival training for compagnies – Survival training in Team building

The survival trainings for enterprise can be a excellent way to organize an original Team Building. Indeed, for a very attractive price, companies can organize a stay of two days and one night. A room can be also at the disposal for possible working meetings. The meal will be shared between all the team members who will learn how to collabore to survive. They will built together a shelter for the night, they will get wood for the fire and alltogether they will hunt for the dinner: a real moment of cohesion and share.

Team Building Original Survie

Cold survival training & big cold survival training

It is because the weather is not always good that we organize survival training in all seasons. Indeed, we also propose survival training when it is cold and survival big cold, with an option in snowshoes and the construction of igloo. To learn how to survive in the snow and the cold is an extremely enriching experience, which allows to overtake its fears and its limits.

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